Kuvasz Love: The games man play
Updated: Jan 18, 2024

The Good Lord immediately comes to the aid of those who desire a kuvasz with a pure heart. Especially if he is a Hungarian nobleman. Especially so if he is Székely on top of all this, because Fathergod loves Székelys even more. That's why God is making friends with him. Even several times in his life
- In 1994, I was 16 years old - begins Loránd, the kuvasz owner from Kovászna, (Covasna) Székely Land. With a wide smile at the corner of his mouth - when I really, really wanted a kuvasz, I decided to buy one, but it was very expensive. So that my father wouldn't find out, and so that I wouldn't get a big slap on my face, I went to my grandmother's house. I borrowed money and bought a purebred kuvasz. His name was Tas. He must have been four years old. I fed him with a rake for two weeks because I didn't dare go near him. He was chained for this period, then he got used to me, accepted me and he became the dog of my life.
As with women there is only one true love in a man's life, well, so it is with dogs. Tas became Loránd's first, the only, everything.
- I fell in love with this dog, I fell in love with the Kuvasz - enthusiastically explains Loránd with sparkles in his eyes. - This dog has never been defeated in his life. This dog was like a weapon around animals. But there was also a time when I went to a “disco ball” (slang for local bar with a DJ) when I was young. Some guys once tried to beat me up there. I ran home to get the dog and went back with him. Tas was muzzled. I told the person who wanted to beat me to come outside. He came and came towards us, but he stopped when he saw us. Tas grew old with me, in the end it came to the point that he no longer had teeth in his mouth. Even then when he grasped something, he wouldn’t let go. He lived until he was 16. In the last year I soaked the ice cream cone for him. He ate soft foods, and then he went blind. I have never seen such a dog in my life.
After that, the young man from Székely land went to see the world. He lived in Germany, then returned to his ancestral home, got married and had a daughter. Ten entrepreneurial years passed without a dog, but the memory of Tas remained enticing throughout.
- It has always been my dream to have a kuvasz again. I wanted my Tas back in my life! And when we started a family, my wife told us to get a dog, a Swiss Mountain Dog. I explained to her: Please understand, what kind of dogs I had when I was a bachelor! I begged, dear God, I don't want a dog “beautiful worth a painting”. I just gave in and we bought a Swiss Mountain Dog. Just imagine for some reason the puppy was “lost” from our home… Then I told my wife and daughter not to worry, I'm getting a real dog here! And then I went to Hungary with my friends and brought Mázli home.

Not long after, Mázli also pleased his owner with a litter, and from this litter two males, Cézár and Hektor, remained at home.
- I gave them these names on purpose. Caesar is indeed Caesar, because he is beautiful, but not so fiery in nature. Hektor goes at the lads when we gently tease him a little bit. There is no problem with that. The puppies were eight months old when I brought Lili roosters. They weren't used to them until then. Well, then Hektor really growled at me, and then I decided that Mázli and Cézár would be with us at the “lower” house, and Hektor's mission in life was to be at the gate, above with the animals.
This is how Hektor came to be a caretaker among the horses, sheep, and all kinds of livestock. As a worthy successor of Tas, he has since then tirelessly and strictly guarded the homestead’s gate, together with all of its residents.
Next time, we you can read about Hektor and his little friend, Loránd's daughter, Réka.
Székely land ( Szeklerland):Székelys live in the Eastern Carpathian Mountains. Originally Székely land denoted a number of autonomous Székely seats in Transylvania. It is an ethnographic and historical area, used to be part of Hungary Proper. The cultural Center of the region is Marosvásárhely ( in Hungarian) or Targu Mures ( in Romanian). Székely land became part of Romania in 1920 as a result of the treaty of Trianon.
If you have once fallen in love with a Kuvasz, get in touch with us. We would love to hear your story!
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